UnSpun 094 – Greg Quinones: “Abiogenic Petroleum: Peak Oil and “Fossil Fuels” – Debunked”

Live on Tuesdays at 5pm Pacific time – UnSpun #094:

Greg Quinones is a business consultant, writer, public speaker, trainer and teacher. He is Founder and Managing Executive Partner of ZEN Enhanced Oil Recovery (ZENEOR) a Texas based privately held limited liability company. ZENEOR specializes in “out-of-the-box” thinking in oil production and process. Through extensive knowledge of the oil industry, they bring new innovations and technologies to market in order to help practical minded operators lower costs, improve efficiency and reduce environmental risks. The Company’s mission is to help achieve higher revenues for industry investors and higher netbacks for producers, land owners, royalty owners and working interest owners. In the past Greg has served as a leadership/sales trainer and marketing associate in the investment banking and venture capital industries for various private firms in New York City. He began his career in investment banking by serving as an apprentice and marketing associate where he established relationships with suppliers, end-buyers and investors of various commodites such as food, fuel and oil, and more.

Previous related episodes with Greg:
Abiogenic Petroleum: Peak Oil and “Fossil Fuels” – Debunked w/ Greg Quinones #241
RBN Gnostic Media Radio 065 – Greg – Oil vs. Alternative Fuels – 9/25/2015

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