64 comments for “Joe Rogan interviews Jan Irvin

  1. bram
    July 6, 2011 at 11:14 am


    Just a little clearance on the Amsterdam (or rather Netherlands) weed issue. Currently I am writing my thesis on this exact subject so thought it might be interesting to give you the insights I got so far:

    They are limiting the sale to foreigners officially due to the fact that in the border towns there (supposedly) is an issue with French, Belgium and German people driving up and down the border to get their supply. The argument is that there are too many negative impacts within the neighborhoods popular among cannabis-tourists (say: rubbish, traffic jams, noise pollution etc.) Furthermore, a popular argument that is used is that there is too much organised crime involved in the ‘weed-industry’ due to our liberal/progressive policy concerning drugs. Seen, weed is not legal, it is just not enforced as a criminal offence as long one abides to certain rules. This is why organised crime is still involved in the first place, as it is still illegal (and enforced) to grow weed and sell it on a large scale. Besides that, this argument is of no value at all when it comes to people from neighboring countries causing problems in border town due to them buying their supply here.

    So whats gonna happen now is the following: Coffee-shops will become private clubs only accessible to Dutch nationals 18 years or older; they gonna give those that wanna make use of a coffee-shop -and so far I understand only for coffeeshops within your own municipality-a pass (so they gonna have a nice database of us too) with which you are allowed to enter.

    It is a frightening development, however, there are still a lot of technicalities for the (recently elected) government to overcome. The plan though is to start implementing this new policy after the summer holidays, firstly in the Southern provinces, and then gradually extending it to the whole country (so also Amsterdam, a place where there are little to no problems with tourists buying and smoking weed).

    This new anti-drug mentality has been slipping into our country over the past few years, and was clearly visible after they banned psilocybin mushrooms due to some fatal/horrible incidents that were supposedly related to mushroom use (most of these relations were later debunked though). The then government assigned a group of researchers to advice them on what to do with the mushroom issue. The researchers came out advising not to ban it due to its low risk. Of course, the then government didnt like the results, put them aside and said F*ck it, we’ll ban them anyway. Its hypocrisy in its purest form!

    So we’re all waiting with great anticipation if they are actually gonna put this new policy trough. I hope to finish my thesis before they do, and then leave… the few good things of this country are quickly going to waste!


    • Eric
      July 23, 2011 at 7:04 am

      The war on (mind-expanding) drugs is still going on. I think only on person died after consuming psilocybin mushrooms. He jumped out of the window.
      One dead was the immediate cause of prohibition for psilocybin mushrooms.
      In comparison, in the Netherlands, 1900 persons died of alcohol related affections, and that is on yearly base.

  2. dav
    July 6, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    As the Rogan experience is concern. I’am sure Joe&Brian are good guys but for the first 30 min.they seemed like giggling girls..I went to the show to hear the guest (you) you seemed prepared I felt they were not..I had to turn it off. jokes aside more of you and less of them is a good thing..maybe I’ll go back and listen to the rest some day.. I feel maybe ONE ON ONE interview would have been much better oh well.

    • Marv
      July 6, 2011 at 2:51 pm

      I completely agree.

      Joe never lets his guests speak more than a few minutes before he feels the need to add his opinion. It’s VERY annoying.

      I stopped watching his podcast a few months ago for this very reason, but when I saw Jan was on, I decided to give it a second chance.
      Now I’m officially done with the JOE ROGAN podcast because it always all about Joe Joe Joe and his guests are left

      Perhaps the next book Joe should read AND APPLY is “The Art of Listening”

      • Jack Allen
        July 7, 2011 at 4:51 pm

        I have enjoyed Joe Rogan’s podcast since it began. I listen while I am at work and driving. Listening to his podcast lets me feel like I am hanging out with a bunch of my buddies talking and having a good time. This podcast lets me escape the grueling work and commuting schedule. While Jan’s topics were interesting he went way too deep with his facts and totally lost me. I listen to laugh and enjoy a few hours not to have a history lesson on stuff I could care less on. I think Jan’s topics were not appropriate for this show.

        • laurie
          September 14, 2011 at 12:55 pm

          and that is exactly why he’s on the show…no one wants to learn abt anything real anymore..football..whoohoo! and that is why americans r seen as dumbfucks

          • jon
            October 14, 2012 at 9:28 pm

            i think it was appropriate content for a small percent of joe rogan podcasts. the rest of his podcasts are UFC and body health. It IS a problem of americans to not be educated on anything. fucking hopeless at times. ignorance reigns free in this nation.

      • Frankie Walnuts
        July 9, 2011 at 12:16 pm

        I love the Joe Rogan podcasts and am a devoted listener. Jan was an excellent guest and was very patient with his hosts, who were probably high as fuck throughout the podcast, hence their inability to follow the conversation when it got too deep. None theless, I still enjoy Joe (and to lesser extent his monkey sidekick) and look forward to their podcasts. I too feel it is one of the few times I can kick back and just let them take me to the craziest topics of conversation, in the private constrains of my car while commuting to my batshit job.

        • Jan Irvin
          July 9, 2011 at 5:35 pm

          I was high as fuck too. Invalid excuse.

          • ryan85oh
            July 11, 2011 at 3:26 pm

            invalid excuse for what?

          • kelly davis
            July 11, 2011 at 6:47 pm

            Joe underestimates his stoned audience, we do have a little more going on upstairs than he gives us credit for. I cannot stand all the references he makes to loads and dick, is that really what is going on in his sense of humor at his age? What will his children think of him when they listen to his “jokes” when they are older? He and his sidekick redban are a prime example of what dumbing down is taking place in america.. I loved everything you had to say Jan and I took a lot of notes because, despite what Joe thinks, some of us do want to know what is going on and no information makes us feel overhwhelmed as he stated.. except random fart jokes and references to loads every other sentence. He’s lost another listener.

      • Wes
        July 13, 2011 at 12:12 pm

        Lets not forget that it is Joe Rogans podcast. I enjoyed the interview. Felt it went a little deep a few times but none the less still a good show. I will keep listening to Joe and begin listening to Jan.

        • Q
          July 19, 2011 at 1:09 pm

          Some folks should relax. Yes you may not enjoy a certain type of humor. That’s you as an individual and his humor has no bearing on age. Joe is obviously not an idiot so to carry on with a notion that your superior in thought because you don’t enjoy a certain from of humor has no ground to stand on. Jan, I am an avid listener of Joe and wouldn’t have known about you without him. You are a beacon of hope for opening our minds back to the greatness it once held. I thank you for your work and look forward to enjoying more of whats to come. I know Joe may have wanted to keep things simple but some of us were keeping up. Thanks for the book recs.

  3. July 6, 2011 at 1:45 pm


  4. Steve
    July 6, 2011 at 3:00 pm

    Hey Jan. I’m an avid Rogan Podcast listener, I really love hearing joe talk about all the crazy(mind opening) stuff he talks about. With that said, I really felt like Joe was stepping all over you and I really wanted to hear more of you. I pretty disappointed in the way Joe behaved on this podcast.

    I listen while at work and sometime jot down on a piece of paper stuff to look into; I got a lot of great stuff from you and can’t wait to check out the documentary The crazy rulers of the world. Thanks for doing Joe’s podcast(for without it, i wouldn’t have found you and your site.)

    Thanks Again!!

    • Darren
      July 7, 2011 at 6:50 am

      I agree with Steve, Joe was stepping all over Jan. I’ve jotted down notes too, fascinating stuff, I’ll checking out as much of this as possible. Particularly enjoyed the classical education topic, the trivium and that. Keep it up.


    • neugie
      July 7, 2011 at 1:05 pm

      Hey totally agree with you about how mind opening the Rogan podcast is. My question is do you know of any other podcasts or talk shows that are interesting and enlightening like that?

      • Steve
        July 11, 2011 at 10:06 am

        Red Ice Creations (lot of crazy topics but a lot of really really good stuff there – Jan was interviewed by them a few years back)
        What On Earth is Happening (Mark Passio’s podcast)

        Not a podcast but The Secret Sun blog (and group on Facebook) has links to a lot of interesting and enlightening ideas.

        Googling any of these should take you straight to the respective websites.

  5. jr
    July 6, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    Avid listener of Joe rogans podcast and heard you on there, very interesting. Hope you come back and enlighten us more.

  6. July 6, 2011 at 6:23 pm

    Urine for sale.

    • kroovyandcal
      August 31, 2011 at 3:15 am

      I need antineoplasms

  7. July 6, 2011 at 8:56 pm

    Hahaah, $100 says they are talking about the Artisan Hotel in Vegas. Best After Hours in town!

  8. Will
    July 6, 2011 at 10:38 pm

    Good job on trying to get the info out Jan. Not the easiest task on Rogan’s podcast, or “stoned jock radio” as I’ve come to think of it.

    I understand why some of the comments here are complaints about Joe, but I think they forget that “The Joe Rogan Experience” podcast is primarily about entertainment – for better or worse. Some interesting guests and conversations can be found if you trawl through the archives, but it usually stops short of intellectual conversation. When a reporter tried to assert that people don’t come to comedy shows to think, Bill Hicks reply asked the question “Since when is thinking not entertainment?” – or words to that effect. We may not all be there yet, but podcasts of all sorts are a step in the right direction.

    Hopefully Joe gets plenty of tweetface buddies giving good feedback and asking him to get you back on soon.

  9. July 6, 2011 at 10:58 pm

    Any viewer of the JRE podcast knows it takes it’s own course. Joe apologized for stepping over Jan a bit, but Joe was right that some of what Jan was saying was just not suitable for his podcast, it’s a cult following and certain things work and certain things don’t.

    Go watch yesterday’s podcast with Duncan Trussell as a comparison. Joe just wanted the conversation to flow smoothly, redban and joe weren’t getting everything Jan was saying because he was moving to so many topics so quickly. If you look at Duncan and Joe talk the convo flows smoothly and it becomes engaging and interesting for the listener.

    If you don’t like it you don’t have to watch it good sirs!

    • Seth
      July 7, 2011 at 5:17 am

      Joe Rogan’s podcast introduced me to Jan Irvin and that branched out to Mark Passio, James Corbett, Richard Grove, William Cooper, Psychedelic Salon, Alex Jones, and others. For this I am eternally grateful. If you do not know these people or shows you have some listening to do my friends…

      Joe tries to keep show not too serious and it is annoying, but I love him and he does mean well. He definitely talks about things most people do not, so I feel he serves a very important function.

      Thanks Jan and Joe

      • neugie
        July 7, 2011 at 1:10 pm

        I also think the Joe Rogan podcast is great and mind opening. My question is do you know of any other podcasts or talk shows that are interesting and enlightening like that?

        • July 8, 2011 at 12:53 am

          Subscribe to the “Psychedelic Salon” podcasts on itunes. Great archive of Terrence Mckenna interviews and more.

          • Jan Irvin
            July 8, 2011 at 8:01 am

            Many of the Terence McKenna talks at Psychedelic Salon came from right here at Gnostic Media. See the SWR archives on the store page. I released about 70 hours of McKenna from 2001 to 2004.

  10. josh
    July 7, 2011 at 3:22 am

    I feel that Joe is very much in with the hollywood hidden hand. He always dances around real evidance supporting illuminati, and mind controll. I feel that he has sold himself out for the highest bidder, especially now that he is on the sirus “DOG STAR” network, and whoring himself out for a male sex toy. Jan keep exposing the truth, and dont let Rogan did-info….

  11. Luis
    July 7, 2011 at 6:57 am

    I enjoyed the show. It was Jan on Joe’s show this time not the other way around, and like Joe said, “he knows his audience” and therefore tried to keep at an entertainment level “his audience” would appreciate. If you would like to go deeper, then you come and check out Jan’s podcast. Simple enough.

    I am assuming Jan held back on dropping David Harriman’s name when Joe referred to Quantum Physics. If he started going off on Kantian philosophy that would’ve been over the top, hahaha.

    All in all, the idea behind the show was great. Jan reached a crowd that might not have necessarily ever crossed his path other wise. The more educated more people become… the better.

    • Marv
      July 7, 2011 at 9:10 am

      I understand what you mean by “he knows his audience”, but at the same time, Joe does know Jan, and he did invite him over to be interviewed, so let the man speak. Simple enough.

    • ryan85oh
      July 11, 2011 at 7:19 pm

      Well said, Luis. I’d like to add that if Joe and Jan are good friends, Jan should naturally respect Joe’s decision to run the show like he does. There is a time and place for everything. I enjoyed the show. It’s weird seeing all this negativity surrounding the episode.

      Also, I listened to the podcast following this episode before I got to the one with Jan and Joe made a comment about how Jan had gotten a little carried away with facts, name dropping, etc but after listening to it I didn’t even think it was that bad. Joe didn’t really get that pissy and Jan didn’t seem to really get that carried away.

  12. Mark B
    July 7, 2011 at 7:23 am

    Good work Jani Applespore. I’m sure many seeds will germinate from your time spent on Joe’s show. On the hemp issue we see the control of freedom to produce one’s own food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and inspiration therefore entertainment. Sadly the majority of humans’ souls have been ganked by hemp’s lucrative and toxic substitutes.

  13. Paul
    July 7, 2011 at 8:56 am

    I love joes show. I listen every week. Im also a huge fan of Jan’s podcast. But it’s apples and oranges. Joes show is like a few guys bullshitting on a couch about random shit, more like a natural conversation rather than having a specific agenda. The flow of Rogan experience is completely fluid, which is one reason why it’s so intriguing for me. You really seem to get to know someone in that setting versus a q&a session.
    That being said I think they both did well. Jan seemed to have things to get off his chest and I think in the end he was able to express those thoughts. I think the Rogan podcast format is good for getting to know someone and jans podcast format is good for getting to know something.

    I can’t wait to check out Alex jones and Jan. That’d be a better venue for Jan getting his stuff out. All in all, good job Jan!!!!! It was great.

  14. Rishard
    July 7, 2011 at 11:12 am

    I’m listening to the podcast right now, and I’m going to buy the book now after hearing Jan. I totally understand why Joe was interrupting Jan though. Jan was going way too deep with this stuff, and thats not what Joe’s show is about. When Jan was throwing out all those names I got lost as hell. It needed to be filtered down by Joe. I’m glad Jan was dropping the knowledge, because it lead me here, but it was a little too deep too fast. I’m going to start listening to Jan’s podcast now to educate myself.

  15. Jason
    July 7, 2011 at 1:19 pm

    I enjoyed hearing you on Joe’s podcast. You had alot of interesting things to say, so much so that here I am checking out your website. I agreee with Paul about the podcast, Joe’s show is about getting to know someone, not transmitting information.

  16. andy
    July 7, 2011 at 3:25 pm

    Joe Rogan asked the question why did the government put Hemmingway under survalience? He was just a writer dude, he says.

    It’s the same reason they murder the musicians, artist’s & visionary’s like Kennedy, Malcom X, Bob Marley, Ian Lungold, Rick Clay, John Lenon, Michael Hutchens, fill in the blanks eh?

    See Itzak Bentov’s explination cosmic creation and the levels, it will blow your mind.

    The Reason they murder them is because they are the game changers creation brings into existance tasked with bringing a new view into the existing paradigm, in the most beautiful way of all. So that humanity can move passed the barbarity of its awful track record of ignorance and prideful egoic destruction.
    Most recently in England March 2011, the Metropolitan Police raided the home of Smiley Culture, and Stabbed him in the heart, so hard the knife came out of his back. Broad daylight. They made up a storey saying he did it to himself. ODB, same 2pac, you know the score there.

    • Jan Irvin
      July 7, 2011 at 4:03 pm

      How did Ian Lungold get thrown in there? I met Ian back in 2005 just before he died. He died of cancer. No one killed him, except maybe his own habits. Anyway, he was trying to be a prophet, or profit, and tell the future and all sorts of stuff. None of his research is corroborated or verified by academia at all. For instance, hear my shows on the 2012 meme with Dr. Hoopes. If someone is arguing the arbitrary, which means with zero evidence, you dismiss it. And the Mayan calendar has nothing in it, say monument 6, to corroborate his theories or 2012. It only says “A King will be robed”.

    • Pat Fitzzpatrick
      July 22, 2011 at 7:58 am


      What’s that thing about the Metropolitan Police raid (and murder ?) in England ?

      Could you provide a link for the official story (the newspaper version I mean)


  17. andy
    July 7, 2011 at 6:09 pm

    Hey Jan,
    well the Rusian scientist who was poisoned with something in london, i seem to remember it was a cancerous radiation poison where the skin fell apart or something, and the story of the way Ian Lungold died of a fast acting cancer, apparently because of a tooth infection raised my bs detector. It was a subjective feeling i’ve carried regards viewing his his data a lotta times. and i’ was not aware of all of what you mentioned there. What is momument 6? I will revisit the hoops lecture i missed him talking about lungold.
    I don’t dismiss his data on the flicker rate of a TeeVee, and a lot of the info was good data.
    Quote, “Anyway, he was trying to be a prophet, or profit, and tell the future and all sorts of stuff.” and all sorts of stuff!!! This is not reliable data to give one confidence in someone, ‘who is promoting the Trivium and Quadrivium,’ demanding we seek out the facts before drawing conclusions, no?
    btw, in this show you actually use dr Sally Fallons book as a reference pointing to her research stating the petrochemical industry causes heart desease and cancer, by design. I haven’t read her work yet but did buy her book to. If your suggesting they wouldn’t do anything to someone who can change the mindset of millions of people, I think you need a joint! They do it all the time. Rick clay is a classic example of an assaination but you won’t find any evidence as the cremated the body fast, within 2 weeks of his murder. His parents are too scared to admit reality. But scared ain’t gonna remove the boogieman murderer’s. Niether will denying a knowing beyond academia’s mental capacity to overome the fear of confronting its financial jailer, whilst keeping those millions of so-called inteligent people sucking the seamen from satans cock as it were!
    Where are their confrontations to the accountants.

    • Jan Irvin
      July 7, 2011 at 7:14 pm

      Ok, Andy. He sat there for two hours predicting free energy would be global by summer 2005. That was the worst one I remember. But his entire lecture was based around making predictions. None of which came true.

      People die from tooth infections all the time. But I didn’t verify what type of cancer he died of. I wouldn’t base things on rumors or hunches without actually checking them in the real world. I was at Lungold’s talk and I thought his claims were so absurd and ill-founded that I couldn’t help but dismiss them.

      So you heard of a story of a Russian scientist in London, and you somehow connected that to Ian Lungold? So who, what, where, when, why, and how, exactly, connects Lungold to this other event in London?

      You’re arguing the arbitrary and this is also the Post Hoc fallacy. “”I saw a black cat cross my path last night,” so when I tripped and fell at the mall, it was because of the black cat, rather then me sending text messages and not paying attention.” This type of invalid argument is known as the post hoc fallacy.

      I never once said the petrochemical industry. I said the oil industry.

      We’re talking about Ian Lungold, and you’re using a red herring now to discuss Fallon as it’s somehow related. Clay is also a red herring. Please keep your focus on the one topic, rather than all over the place. You’re also using the lesser to the greater fallacy, appeal to fear, etc.

      Anyway, where’s your proof that Lungold was murdered? Do you have one shred of evidence? Have you contacted the guy’s family? Have you looked into his medical history? Or are you making your ideas up on a hunch and then claiming them fact without verifying one iota here in reality?

      I think you’ve likely heard maybe one of my shows or interviews and you’re leaping to conclusions about what I think on many topics, which are exactly contrary to many things we’ve discussed in interviews, videos, and shows for many years – data available all around you right here on this website. So where are you getting your data from? Or are you making a hasty generalization without checking the ample data available to you, here and elsewhere, that’s directly contrary to your statements?

  18. andy
    July 7, 2011 at 6:23 pm

    yes we are really learning your shit mate, trust:)
    one love 2

  19. andy
    July 8, 2011 at 1:18 am

    Holy shit Jan,
    Your not supposed to do that to a novice you know.
    That took me 6 fucking hours. Ima going to sleep,

  20. eric
    July 8, 2011 at 2:07 am

    Hey man!
    I just listened to the podcast today! You seem to be on point and I look forward to reading your stuff! Keep up the great work! Is your podcast on Itunes? I am bored at work at the moment so I can’t find out. Anyway though good luck with everything!

  21. andy
    July 8, 2011 at 7:18 am

    For verification of the the truth being known, not widely about the reality of the finacial system being a scam, by the people, and that bits and chunks are falling off the financial train.
    Iceland Declares Independence from International Banks. RT.com
    I focus on the money, because its the most quantifiable in the minds of most, about what can be seen, themselves.

  22. andy
    July 8, 2011 at 7:24 am

    by the way, i saw your explination of the Ad Hoc Falicy, (thanks) after I posted the response yesterday, in your earlier post.

  23. andy
    July 8, 2011 at 7:26 am

    I focused in on your reply using a microscope to catch all the details, (parts), and didn’t see the explination staring me in the face!

  24. andy
    July 8, 2011 at 7:45 am

    It was a good test yesterday though. Those: what, why, where, when questions, i didn’t really appreciate those, as the limits or standards:- of inter-communicable verified data, between beings on this planet, I only accepted there presence, as new shinny things, that arrived into my recent awareness, with my new glasses you gave me. Now I see the limits of expressing my opinion about a semi sensitive issue, without having the medical report, etc, for that limit or opinion to be accepted by the schooled mind, as in conditioned, which funnily enough, are those natural questions when ever i’m told a story, i’m unsure of, i ask, with my schooled mind!

  25. andy
    July 8, 2011 at 8:38 am

    truth is existance of a concept held within awareness,
    truth = awareness
    awareness = consciousness
    consciousness is existance
    existance = truth

    We’re denied the very consciousness of knowing our own existance, surely the most cruel form of control. The laws that do not exist in truth, are validated by force, and what is truth and in existance + life itself, is denied, and extinguished.

    One love twice to all the peeps.

  26. Shyam Bahadur
    July 8, 2011 at 4:50 pm

    Much respect Jan, I heard on the Rogan podcast and you piqued my interests in many different areas. I wish he would’ve let you run a little more with what you were saying, I’m looking forward to exploring your work. Thanks.

  27. Brad
    July 10, 2011 at 10:54 am

    Even though Joe deliberately curtailed the CFR comments and audibly winced when Jan mentioned documents, he knew the creature he was inviting into his parlor and gladly welcomed him. I would have to say the enterprise was a huge success! Many people were schooled ,albeit marginally , on the role psychedelics played in the early evolution of religious thought and iconography. It was obvious that the two were old pals and that on some level Joe was “getting off” on exposing his audience to Jan’s research. Truth is, many of Joe’s listeners are likely of the meat head/fleshlight using variety and don’t read…I laughed my ass off and I think we all saw a lighter side of Jan. The stories and experiences related imply that many more exist.

  28. Ghostbear
    July 11, 2011 at 10:53 am

    I thoroughly enjoyed the podcast, i had not heard of your work before it and it was certainly a taster into what you are all about and got me intirested enough to come out looking.

    I think alot of people have their wires crossed here, in that the show is not an “interview”, its a gathering of friends just shooting the shit and talking about intiresting topics. While it can serve as a platform to interview i dont believe that is the intention of the show and i dont think its ever portrayed that way.

    Should just try and enjoy it for what it is, listening in on people chatting, its not a formal interview that maybe you were expecting. This shouldnt come as a surprise as none of Joe’s shows are formatted that way. Ofcourse he’s going to have his say on what the guest is talking about, its his show!

  29. Willie
    July 12, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    loved the podcast, but found that joe’s interruptions were completely uncalled for… I never see him trying to curb his other guests when they’re talking about ufc, which I know nothing about… I think he needs to give his audience more credit, we are not all jocks… Again, this is coming from a guy that’s been listening to the JRE since day one… I look forward to digesting the info on this website! Thanks man!

  30. Interested
    July 13, 2011 at 9:37 am

    Joe was giving Jan a platform to expand interests not drown people in details. I dig Joe’s pod cast and I am really interested in Jan’s work. Good job guys!

  31. Chuck
    July 15, 2011 at 5:03 pm

    Jan, great talk on the Rogan podcast, first time I heard of you but I’m glad I did, fascinating stuff. I grew up Christian and am struggling with both my faith and the establish religion that represents it. I did mushrooms fornthe first time 15 months ago…. wow, what an experience, the 2nd time I did it I stopped abusing alcohol. About to download your book for kindle, time to dive in.

  32. Mike
    July 16, 2011 at 9:55 pm

    I enjoy Rogan but I also recognize he has only recently awakened to some harsh realities… a couple nights out with Alex initiated Joe to the corrupt fraud known as government…we have witnessed Joe growing up in his podcasts…he once dismissed chemtrails by stating “do you really think our government would deliberately spray chemicals on it own population” now that’s a classic sleeper mentality…and he said this while BP was spraying corexit over water by day and land by night…love for Joe is derived from his willingness to give his opinions regardless…Jan, you my friend could school Joe and Redband in your sleep and they would still ask you 3 times for the name of a book…I must say I expected a plug for your friend Richard Grove and his Tragedy and Hope website…I don’t see his subscriber numbers growing suggesting to people who can make a difference to help him…Both Richard’s and your site can be described as absolutely brilliant…my hat’s off to you Jan, your research and disclosures. place you in the upper echelons of humans who make a difference …

  33. Mike
    July 16, 2011 at 10:01 pm

    Joe does need to be reminded that his audience is not all meat heads…because of his public persona he has the ability to help awaking a great many people, if only he could come to grips with remaining awake for an entire podcast…

  34. BJ from MINNESOTA
    February 12, 2012 at 9:54 pm

    Jan the profane will never understand, as you know, we can only tip them off and hope they want to learn on their own. Those who are initiated or self-initiated, you are ringing off loud and clear.

  35. Tom Foolery
    March 31, 2012 at 8:04 pm

    I just listened to this amazing podcast on the JRE (thanks Joe, for bringing me here)

    This is one of the times I’m put out by Joe, who seems to think that intelligent discussion is not entertaining and over our heads. On the podcast the next day he apologizes for cutting Jan off, as often as he did (so I guess Joe’s audience was interested after all)Joe goes on to say Jan has given him ear beatings over the phone on other occasions, well I’m here to say; keep on, keeping on, my ears hear a new and it is wonderful someone like you is doing this type of work! I’m new but this is fascinating subject material, it is a constant struggle and seeking, searching en devour to find the truth, thank you Mr. Irvin

    • Jan Irvin
      March 31, 2012 at 9:17 pm

      It’s funny you should say that. Joe and I used to have these deep philosophical conversations. I hardly talked to him for a year or so, and the next time I try to have an in depth conversation with him, he starts talking shit that I was giving him an ear beating. It baffles me. But I’ve received many hundreds of emails and messages such as yours. Thank you. Maybe you should send your note to Joe, too…

  36. Kyle Horner
    August 9, 2012 at 3:47 pm

    Sadly Joe Rogan is the worlds most overpaid gym teacher….He may be a nice guy but he can’t fill in for the physics teacher no matter how many math free science books he reads.
    In 2010 the Joe Rogan podcast had a kind of humble quality to it but in 2011 and 2012 it seems to be morphing into a club for aging jocks with pork fat faces and slurred speech.
    Best of luck to those who still watch it but I quit trying to squeeze a Joule of energy from three hours jammed with cross talk and “you’re going all Latin on me bro…”.

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