UnSpun 032 – “Terence & Dennis McKenna: The Brotherhood of Screaming Nonsense”


Aired July 26-27, 2016. Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin discuss Jan's research into Terence and Dennis McKenna to expose their association to the Combine. This is a response to the slanderous statements repeatedly made by Dennis McKenna.

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  8 comments for “UnSpun 032 – “Terence & Dennis McKenna: The Brotherhood of Screaming Nonsense”

  1. carl hassell
    July 28, 2016 at 5:59 pm

    This was an excellent episode!! I am wowed. It did occur to me that The Peyote Way Church of God advocates that one can learn from the Peyote,just like the crap Terence McMushroom proposes. it is so obviously the same clap trap,and T.M. did know the folks at P.W. It is truly all connected. get off the bus kids,we were all fooled.

  2. John Grywalski
    July 29, 2016 at 5:08 pm

    I think you’ve got to be pretty connected to get out of drug smuggling charges from the FBI

  3. Phillip Rose
    August 9, 2016 at 3:32 am

    I kept trying to imagine your hypothetical libel case against Dennis McKenna. I can only imagine the judge throwing the case out on the grounds of the defendant’s insanity. The arguments he uses to slander you are so preposterous that a judge would question how you could possibly be damaged by such ludicrous and outlandish claims. Yet, this s**t does stick to the walls of the brainwashed deadheads, and through their trolling, etc., it does do harm. I guess the truth is your only real defense, and that means a long, slow battle. At least you have Joe, Steve and Hans to help keep things real.

    I used to listen to Mark Passio’s WOEIH, up to his episodes where he got into his veganism. Then I saw in emails from him that his guests at his FYM conferences were getting progressively flakier every year. What on Earth is happening, indeed!

    • Damian A
      August 27, 2016 at 3:46 pm

      Clint Richardson has some very thought provoking information about “Passio”, he goes on a bit of a rant about it after the “debate” Jan moderated between Clint and aka Mark Stevens. The real issue with these cases is that it will likely be prolonged and serve to take up disproportionate amounts of attention, which for Dennis is not really a big deal because his works essentially range from worthless to outright harmful while Jan’s work has proven itself to be groundbreaking and in my opinion highly valuable in decoding the basic fabric of modern American social conditioning. Also the monetary cost of counsel would serve Jan much better paying for him to wade knee deep in dusty books and letters at some less known university library. Lastly on that point if Dennis is in fact from an intel background, he may have the advantage in a courtroom setting after all he does ostensibly LIE for a living, Or he could just up and have the damn Mushrooms cap your knees, either way win/loss it’s likely to generate more loss in time expended that you would gain financially.

      Clint’s show is available for free below.

      • August 29, 2016 at 3:49 pm

        Clint and I did a show on this, too.

        • Damian A
          September 4, 2016 at 4:10 am

          Think you can do another show with Clint? I guess he’s throwing in the towel on ever doing his own show again so it might me prudent to do another show with him before he moves onto his next venture. At least in my mind I’d see it as a tragedy if you two were never able to share another conversation with us.

  4. Damian A
    August 27, 2016 at 3:59 pm

    Dennis’ claims are akin to someone accusing you of renting your home out at an exorbitant fee to an exact clone of yourself while taking refuge from US capitol gains taxes inside the moon’s 3rd largest crater. I’m not convinced anyone worth associating with is taking him seriously, I’m fairly certain he too believes none of it.

  5. matt zeffiro
    September 9, 2017 at 12:34 pm

    I think about some of the odd news stories from when I used to pay attention related to in this case mushrooms, realizing their true origins. There were several back in the day about Aaron_Sorkin.

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