Aired March 08-09, 2016. Dave Asprey joins Jan Irvin and Joe Atwill to discuss the Bulletproof Diet, bio-hacking, and psychedelic drugs and the counterculture.
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As he mentions his glasses, I would recommend installing a free utility called f.lux to try the effect. As computer screens (as tv) has a strong blue light. It is intended to move the screenlight into the red spectrum adjusted to the time of day. I keep it on all day.
Light with a large amount of short-wave blue radiation influences the hormonal system by reducing the production of melatonin (the „sleeping hormone“), and enhancing the production of the „stress hormones“ cortisol and ACTH. This mechanism, which makes sense during the day, can be a serious threat to our health, when we are confronted with too much blue light during the afternoon and evening hours.
While the light of the „good old incandescent lamp“ is easy on the eye because of the large amount of red and near-infrared wavelenghts in it´s spectrum, modern mercury lights and LED lights are to be used with caution.
Look up John N Ott.
Again we see something that is healthy (sunlight and uv light) is promoted as dangerous (Suncream/sunglasses) while we sit in front of screens or inside in artificial light which can have a detrimental effect on us.
“Health and light” by John N. Ott is together with ‘Nutrition And Physical Degeneration’ by Weston A. Price my most valued books.
Thanks for the links, Roger. I’m hopeful the f.lux works to desired balancing effect. Very cool if it does.
Overall, an engaging discussion. I could feel Dave’s barely concealed constraint whenever discussion ran into what now seems Jan’s default anti-psychedelic dogma. It seems such an odd contradiction to what purports to be purposeful discussion towards achieving an objective intelligence in understanding various levels of conscious states, not to mention their potential usefulness towards gaining profound perspective on the very nature of human existence.
Jan seems compulsively determined to paint the entirety of these psychoactive substances exclusively with broad and dark brushstrokes. It’s clearly misleading except, apparently, to Jan. Dave made the point that virtually anything can be weaponized, Joe concurred, and Jan curiously lapsed back into wholesale condemnation with the same tired references to Leary.
Leary’s Dead, and was so long before he had the decency to actually shove off. We get it; the psycho’s constantly weaponize and abuse at will of agenda. But useful discernment includes distinguishing qualities of experience distinct from malevolent institutional psychos, contract behaviorist theoreticians, psy-op handlers, contract situational manipulators and their incessant media spin artists.
It’s dehumanizing in its own right: attempting to slot the entirety of alter-state experience into a one dimensional pretext of governmental mind-control programming. It assumes power that they do not as yet possess, ..tho try they will, ..that they can more easily just kill us, as some bold Trilateralists occasionally note, rather than to expend stolen public resources bending us to their will for laughs.
I keep hoping for timely discussion on current generation psy-ops rather than this endless sentimental stroll over events a half century past. Our proximity to true dystopia is a heartbeat away, too late for some already, ..yet Tim Leary’s pathologically lying ghost lives on to haunt us still! The horror! It’s too ironic that Jan decries the endless FM broadcast repetition of 60’s music, yet we can’t seem to graduate here to our 21st century’s TV induced hallucinogenic bizarro world’s constant mind-fuck programing.
Something seriously odd about that.
In the early 90’s there were plenty of people who went to JAIL for selling LSD. Amazing nice people. So the illegal aspect was yes, a cover, but also a way to double dip, take the loot and resell?? And it was also a way to jail, hippie, social types. One wonderful man in particular and his hippie Oakland wife adopted kids: great parents, great people, well read, fun. They really thought LSD was for spiritual purposes. Many Dead Heads/Hippie types were sacrificial lambs.
I am also a survivor off veganism its as bad as LSD! There’s a great old book called: Eat Fat, Lose Fat. Amazing book.
I also believe the yoga industry is a way to destroy minds. I think those poses and the whole “have no ego” bit destroys will & its no coincidence that crowd pushes veganism & they are obsessed with non faats!
2 weeks ago I bought the Bullet Proof Brain Oil! Another Unspun coincidence.
You’re referring to Dr. Mary Enig (sp) I presume.
you’ll also likely appreciate my articles on LSD and all of this, especially article 5 in relation to your above comments:
YES, Dr. Mary – she also wrote Nourishing Traditions. Joe alludes to the fact that the power mongers want to rid us of ethnicity. This book is case in point how our traditions of food is on their list to destroy. We all had “ethinic” power stews/soups, etc. that kept us super strong.
Now we have twinkies, McDonalds, Chinese Food and… you know the rest. But we shouldn’t we blame the entire 1940’s born for that? Those (mostly stay at home) mothers born in that decade loved their frozen crap, jello and “formula” for babies – it didn’t take much for those mums to throw us to the lions.
Clarification: Dead Heads, the fans, are the sacrificial lambs.