Aired February 02-03, 2016. Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin invite Kim Cooper on to discuss the destruction of family, cultural problems for families, government interference, and how counseling, etc, is designed to break, rather than help, families.
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Overcoming addictions goes a long way in saving marriages and families. From what I know about narcissism personality disorder, having grown up and lived with narcissists, it can cover a wide spectrum of behaviors, and is incurable. In general, people can be unpredictable, but people with NPD are more so. It is not a static condition, and I have experienced it tends to get worse with age. Can narcissism be cured? I don’t know, but I am pessimistic that it can be. Our culture is narcissistic and so we all have narcissistic tendencies whether we want to recognize them or not. I do believe people can change their behavior if they are aware of it; so some people may look like a narcissist but they are not truly a narcissist, but acting out. The question is it part of the plan by the oligarchs to create narcissism personality disorder in the people? In my opinion, the answer is yes. Dealing with narcissism in those close to us is a spiritual battle. Getting to the root cause of how narcissism develops in human beings would be a benefit to know so that narcissism personality disorder could be prevented, rather than trying to cure it after the fact. I am in the NO CONTACT camp when it comes to narcissists in my life. If I discover there is a narcissist in my life, they are cut off. No second chances. Hardcore, I know, but narcissists are hardcore as they destroy just about everything in sight. I compare them to bulls in a china shop.
Your interview hit close to home. Best of luck,
I am hearing you Pamela, but the ‘no contact’ approach is a bit old fashioned now. We need to drill down into some more appropriate responses to poor behavior and we need to collectively learn how to set boundaries for ourselves without walking or running away.
The ‘no contact’ approach appears to have some logic, but then again, the Crosby, Stills and Nash era of music seemed to be about peace and love, but as Jo and Jan have shown us, it kind of wasn’t at all. Kim has shown us that ‘no contact’ is much the same.
Thanks, Steve, for participating in the discussion. I appreciate you joining us. Ladies and gents – Kim Cooper’s husband.
Thanks for clarifying that! Yes, I am Kim’s husband!
There will always be an example of where a narcissistic person will not ever change. Goodness knows the trend is against couples examining their own bad behaviour in order to rebuild their families. What Kim and I offer is a place to begin asking the right questions in order to learn some new skills that society do not teach us. As Kim said in the interview, we need to learn to get along because we cannot rely on finding someone else out there that might be our ‘soul mate’. Getting along with each other is hard work, but the benefits are enormous.
thank you for this interview!,… as individuals, the more we can “take responsibility” for the way we live our lives, as opposed to “following the unwitting crowd”, the better off we will be,… it is nice to imagine an effective groundswell developing in this direction, in so many areas, as “the crowd” appears to have all but lost its way,… Kim Cooper is lifting up a new standard for evaluating “family health”, with many great suggestions for getting back on track,…
Kind words Georgie, thank you!
Thanks so much for having me on your show Jan! I only wish I had commented on Joe’s statement about the healing power of realizing that our joy comes from within our family and not from the outside world. That realization was exactly what Steve says changed everything for him.
It would be great if you and Joe had Steve on to talk about that one day. I think three men discussing that subject would be very powerful indeed!
Here is a link to keep handy . . .
12 Steps to End a Domestic in Progress
Kim’s material has been a huge blessing for my family. If you think you might be in a narcissist/codependent relationship this is the road map you need.