Aired January 26-27, 2016. Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin invite Dr. Hans Utter on to discuss the latest series, The Secret History of FM Radio, on Gnostic Media.
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Joe, I’m glad you mentioned that by the time 60’s counter culture came around the family and community had already been broken. Life in our society can be so empty. Rock music and drugs can be the most meaningful experience of some peoples lives. It was for me anyway. It can be hard to except that its all a government weapon. Very interesting work by all three of you.
I have watched all the Dr. Hans Utter interviews. Thank you for drilling down so deep on the topic that affects us all. I heard Hans asking Jan to post an article he wrote. I was wondering if that was up yet and where it can be found. Thank you all for your very important work!
Thx a lot for this insightful interview. May I have the name of the documentary and its directors that Joe is talking about at 24’40” about transe and dance, i coulnd’t hear well the reference. thx