Aired January 05-06, 2016. Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin discuss Zane Kesey's attacks on Jan Irvin regarding Zane's father's role with the CIA and MKULTRA program. We present some of our evidence of Ken Kesey's involvment with the CIA and MKULTRA program, and invite Zane Kesey to come on the show to rebut the evidence.
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Hello Jan,
I like “the brain” you have created. Anyways, to paraphrase you in this episode, you said something like those in red (within the brain database) are high level CIA, those in yellow are CIA, and those in white … we just haven’t vetted them out more than likely.
I have a question for you: you put your own name in the “brain,” and it appears you did meet a few people who probably were CIA in the drug movement going right back to the top of the CIA; I am curious, are you CIA? or have you worked for them knowingly? Either way, you have exposed much of the history of the CIA, and I thank you for that. I have read much of what you cover, and your investigations makes sense as the plausible truth.
P.S. Since you put your own name in the database, I thought maybe you wanted someone to ask you this publicly. Joe Atwill’s name is not in the database that I saw. I didn’t realize, and I could be mistaken, that most people’s name in the database are probably CIA. Tragedy and Hope does not surprise me at all, nor Corbett. And I do understand that there are limited media outlets for information to go out, and that we must use those airwaves to send out information. However, I’m sure that information, including yours when you go on such shows, has been cleared by the CIA, or whomever, to be distributed to the public. History repeats itself; and it seems that those today think all this type of stuff is ONLY in the past. Oh well!
Your interview with Stephen Zarlenga was very good. I wish more top researchers have read Zarlenga’s book, such as Veronica Clark. Perhaps you’ll interview her one day and bring up Zarlenga, as she is of the belief that fiat money is not so good; whereas history proves otherwise. She does know about Hitler printing his own money under two government programs but believes the nature of the money is not good. And she certainly shows in her work that Hitler was not funded by the jews, communists nor zionists (at least pre election). Hitler’s redistribution of wealth probably angered them much.
Obviously I’ve exposed repeatedly how I was duped by several in the “movement” – thinking I was doing real work. Most are CIA / Intel in the Brain but I put my own name in simply because I knew some of them. No, I’m not, nor have I ever been, CIA, or knowingly affiliated to any such crap. Obviously exposing how they work and do all of this wouldn’t bode well for being an intel agent. Use the trivium and follow the research. The trivium exposes all. Obviously my shows are not “cleared” by anyone but myself. Early on when I started my show I made the mistake of interviewing 55 of the world’s biggest psychedelic experts, and that’s what woke me up to the entire scam.
What are the connections I put into the brain on myself? Did you look?
Yes, I had followed all the links by your name in the past. Your comment during the show made me laugh, as I knew your name was in there; so I couldn’t help but ask.
Our social engineering is pervasive throughout all areas of our life. I, too, was duped by Tom Wolfe, Ken Kesey, Jack Kerouac, the Grateful Dead, Terrance McKenna, etc. The word “ethnogen” worked well on me; I trusted those people, but never again. It seems public science is not science at all, but political science and social engineering.
I will be applying the trivium to the work of Edgar Cayce now. I guess the best place to start is submitting FOIAs to the FBI and CIA about the man, as it seems that is how you made many of your breakthroughs in information.
Thank you for your show!
« It seems public science is not science at all, but political science and social engineering. »
This seems to be very true and I need to keep it in mind with my own writings. A lot of work, time and money goes into being so thorough, with little reward, but what choice do we have ?
Jan, I’ve been thinking about this over the last several months, but you pretty much answered it in the above post. Before, with Atwill, you used to put forth the idea that, with critical thinking, psychoactive plants and fungi can still be beneficial. However, since you’re “Entheogens, what’s in a name ?” article, where you showed how the name was created and changed and you think “suggestogens” is a more accurate term for them, I gather this means that you and Atwill are now on the same page regarding these substances without saying it bluntly in your show, but more through your written pieces.
If these psychoactive plants are “suggestogens,” then with personal training, they may be of use to our souls. The problem, then, would be to be able to use them with our own suggestion as the prominent influence. Obviously, with all our rock music and lyrics, tv “programming” and such, those suggestions will be the ones that come out under the influence of a hallucinogen, unless a person has a way of minimizing such influences. I know that I was having “experiences” related directly to my listening of rock music, reading of the “classic” 60’s book, such as Kesey’s, and so on. I had no idea I was being given the drug, the suggestion for environment, types of external influence and so on.
Hmmm. Do LSD and mushrooms and others have a place that is beneficial to humans? I know the Cayce readings say we don’t need anything but sincere desire to experience God, and that many things can physically block one’s awareness of God, which include food poisoning and drugs. Cayce never spoke on hallucinogens. Do they help or hinder? Who cares what the CIA wanted with them. The point is we need to apply our freedom to choices, and be aware that what we think has been a choice has not been one at all: we were given a set of choices by design, more than I ever imagined.
Check out this guy for a personal awakening example:
His choosing of the O.T.O. is a bit scary, but he probably has NO IDEA where it came from. I’m sending him Stephen Zarlenga’s book “The Lost Science of Money,” and the web address of
Unfortunately you’re wrong because YOU can’t control the outcome. Others are the ones who do the programming with such things. Please read the 5 part series on the site, especially “Entheogens: What’s in a Name?”
“Who Cares what the CIA wanted with them” – there is no greater ignorant statement. If you’re not aware, you can’t make a proper choice. That should be a no brainer. He “probably has no idea where it came from” – so you speculate and make assumptions to defend false ideals?
I recommend reading the entire series, but at MINIMUM read this:
Yes, that’s correct.
And I do think I’ve said it bluntly a number of places.
“our comment during the show made me laugh, as I knew your name was in there; so I couldn’t help but ask.”
If you’ve studied the brain at all closely you’d already know that not every name in there means they’re intel – then there would be no reason to ask, nor reason to laugh. You’d just have to look. You’d merely have to study WHAT THE CONNECTIONS ARE – and not that a name is just ‘There’ – and then not waste my time or anyone else’s. We don’t need anymore fallacious thinking.
It’s spelled “Terence McKenna” – and it seems that NO “FAN” of his knows how to spell his name. I find it highly ironic. I have to correct people several times a day on how to just spell his first name.
FOIA’s are a good start, but university archives are usually better just because the CIA rarely sends anything.
Kesey may have been “pre-hippie” as Joe states, but the bridge to the Counter Culture would have been Neil Cassady, and his membership as one of the founding members of the Beat Generation. It came through the reluctant “Father” of the Hippie Generation, Jack Kerouac, who always thought that Beat Generation was hijacked and morphed into the Counter Culture.
Cassady has a son, and I think he published something about his life as Neil’s son. Might be worth trying to contact him for another view of the situation.
Yeah, never mind that Kerouac was in the center of the CIA bullshit with Daniel PInchbeck’s mother, and William Burroughs, the CIA assassin, and Allen Ginsberg – the Zionist peddler of degeneracy. It would be better to state that “Jack Kerouac, who always CLAIMED that the Beat Generation was Hijacked…” but of course 10 min of study shows that’s complete nonsense when they’re all a bunch of dopey CIA agents.
Great show guys! I just wanted to share a fact that always perplexed me until viewing this episode:
In the summer of 1994 I attended the Grateful Dead shows at the University of Oregon’s Autzen Stadium. Kesey and the Pranksters were there, of course,with the Bus. What had struck me as very odd was the fact that the Pranksters were set up with the bus parked across the street from the stadium box office as opposed to being in the stadium parking lot with the rest of “the circus” as it were….They had parked the Bus in front of the Masonic Center Eugene Lodge. It all makes perfect sense to me now. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to expose the truth about Mk Ultra.
if u knew anything about Kesey and Oregon, you would realize he had access to the best parking spot at Autzen. Why would he want to park his bus in the main lot? he wasn’t there to hang with the circus. He was a VIP at Autzen and any Grateful Dead shows.His farm was 30 min away. I’ve been to every Grateful Dead show at Autzen ,(and hundreds of others) including 3 at the Oregon Country fairgrounds .Kesey and his bus were there for obvious reasons.This was their home .Kesey and his non existent MK ultra connections are ludicrous!
Just because you’re a fan of the Dead doesn’t mean you’re not a victim of MKULTRA and those who headed it and participated in it.
What’s ludicrous is ignoring the extensive evidence of his intel / MKULTRA connections because you saw a lot of concerts and are a victim of the very program: