UnSpun 009 – Broad Discussion – with Jan Irvin & Joe Atwill

Aired December 29-30, 2015. Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin discuss recent deaths, including Dorothy Murdock (Acharya S.), Dave McGowan, and also George Clayton Johnson. We discuss donations and support, the Brain database, and also the Tavistock Institute's Alan Trist, and his management of the Grateful Dead.


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  6 comments for “UnSpun 009 – Broad Discussion – with Jan Irvin & Joe Atwill

  1. Liam Mulcahy
    January 1, 2016 at 7:04 am

    What about human cloning? The Chinese have recently put out articles to test the public’s reaction to OPEN human cloning. Yet, no alternative media personalities have touched the topic. Jan has spoken of the Dalai Lama, but does he know of his “Avatar” 2045 Initiative to create consciousness-bearing chips and human clones to give man “immortality”? This fits in perfectly with the goals of MKULTRA 60 years ago–to imprison all men in a matrix, body and soul.

    B.o.B., a successful rapper known for “Airplane” has even talked via his Twitter account about secret human cloning since the 1940’s. Many rappers appear one day with tattoos and the next day without, e.g. Soulja Boy. Everyone reading this should look it up.

    Maybe Madonna is cleaning up her DNA because open human cloning is about to be revealed…

    • January 1, 2016 at 6:50 pm

      Yeah, we’ve done shows on transhumanism. I’d have to see evidence of human cloning since the ’40s. Citing a rapper isn’t evidence.

      • Liam Mulcahy
        January 2, 2016 at 8:09 am

        You’re right. There is only evidence that human cloning has been going on since a little after Dolly was cloned. The Raelians claim to have cloned a girl in 2003.

        I’m not citing a rapper as evidence. I’m saying go read what B.o.B. has to say. He gets no press for his album (his claim) because he talks about cloning, the cloning centers, Donald Marshall, and more. Tila Tequila was the last celeb to talk about cloning centers.

        Godlike Productions, a Tavistock Institute asset (in 2011-2012, it was admitted on Wikipedia, but no longer), has erased any posts on Donald Marshall and his information concerning cloning. If DM was a disinformer, wouldn’t GLP allow his info?

        You could contact B.o.B. or Donald Marshall to come on your show. DM talks about much more than cloning. A faction of the elite are obsessed with prophecy–both Isaiah and Nostradamus’. This exactly matches the conclusions of Joe Atwill in his article on The Tempest and keeping humanity in a dream.

  2. John Cokos
    January 2, 2016 at 10:23 am

    Jan: Here’s two pieces of jelly that you might try to nail to the wall:

    Lyndon Larouche has been harping on the the Beatles’ Tavistock Institute for years too, never offered up any real hard connection to back up his claim. Might be worth a try to contact his organization and see if they are willing to elaborate of the claim.

    Bob Weir has a documentary on Netflix: The Other One: The Long Strange Trip of Bob Weir. John

    • david llewellyn foster
      January 22, 2016 at 4:40 pm

      Interesting conversation worth listening to in its entirety


      I mean it’s not like these extremely successful and popular musicians had or have no moral volition…were just bought off and agreed to have their tuneless strings pulled, literally…the point is there is as yet no victorious “master plan” in evidence as a triumphant fait accompli, only pervasive cold-war and post-modern ecocidal chaos & massive financial opportunism…yes ~ huge exploitation, yes. Oligopolistic tyranny, yes…but to argue that all these players were consciously directed by a master controller in a black box called Huxley’s demon, were all complicit agents “in concert” and massaged (McLuhan’s term) into docile conformity to some hierarchic coercive will….then something huge is missing, namely the absence of a countervailing transcendent metaphysical agency, a legitimate force that resists subversive corruption and sordid invasive depravity.

      We don’t have to accept or submit to puerile Manichaean reactionary logic that stinks to high heaven, even if the prevalent architecture of control is scrolled out menacingly and convincingly through multiple covert agendas, with the sole intention of gaining all consuming power. That is indeed a phantastically deluded ambition not entirely beyond credulity, but inevitably doomed to fail. If the lunatics are trying to run an asylum that is construed solely in their image, the obvious response is to call their bluff, tear down the illusory walls that enclose our flimsily imprisoned minds.

      A vaunting totalitarian purpose may be one thing to reckon with in this kindergarten world, but the probability of it ever being successfully realized, of us idly witnessing the global fulfillment of an imaginary plan of absolute domination, is an example of an altogether implausible folly that flies in the face of (authentic) spiritual reality. That reality exists. One would have to be a defeatist cynic in the extreme to accept such a pathetic fate.


  3. Barry Sullivan
    January 6, 2016 at 6:08 am

    Thanks for the discussion.

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