UnSpun 008 – Lifetime Actors – with Jan Irvin & Joe Atwill

Aired December 22-23, 2015. Joe Atwill and I discuss the role of lifetime actors and the intelligence community. We also discuss white Public Relations expert and "activist," Frank Joyce, and his use of reverse racism to sell his insane agenda. Is Frank Joyce a Lifetime actor? Will the real Frank Joyce please stand up!

White men must be stopped: The very future of mankind depends on it

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  6 comments for “UnSpun 008 – Lifetime Actors – with Jan Irvin & Joe Atwill

  1. Aleksandar Gueric
    December 25, 2015 at 2:22 pm

    I have to thank you guys for confirming my doubts about Terrence Mckenna and whole archaic removal as being part of mind control program. I’ve been listening to all Terence’s lectures for years and always found very suspicious his constant talk on feminism and cultural dissolution. Lifetime actor concept is really interesting and I think that there are many of them out there, including on our side as well. People from our community, or however you would define that (alternative media, redpill gurus, alternative right, nationalistic sites and so on).

    Anyways, this is a great series and I would like to suggest someone who could maybe be interesting for you guys. It’s E. Michael Jones, author of books like ”Libido Dominandi: Sexual Liberation & Political Control” and other. There are also very good interviews on youtube. I think that it would be great seeing him on your show. Now, he a traditional Catholic and I don’t know if that represents a problem. I know Joe Atwill seems very antireligious. I have a little bit different opinion regarding traditional religion and think it wasn’t a mind control but genuine tradition and spirituality that was hijacked by secret organizations and cults throughout the centuries. Church today is definitely not traditional and became antichristian. In the end, we could just talk about religion as a moral philosophy and see that modern world and society are led by the current that’s in it’s very nature satanic and against this morals.

    • December 25, 2015 at 3:33 pm

      Seems someone referred him to me recently. Send me an email and I’ll follow up. Thanks. … actually, didn’t I have him on my RBN show? lol… don’t remember.

      • Aleksandar Gueric
        December 26, 2015 at 2:10 am

        He’s an editor of Culture Wars at http://www.culturewars.com/ that’s all I know about his contact info.

        Yeah, I also wanted to mention him before becuase some of his research is directly connected to yours. History of feminism, civil rights, hijacking black culture, religion and social engineering. I just thought it would be great seeing him here. I apologize if you already had him, I’ll have to check it out. 🙂

        • Nordølum
          December 26, 2015 at 5:22 pm

          Yeah, I mentioned E. Michael Jones to Jan some months back. He did have him on very briefly.

          I think Jones is absolutely brilliant. I subscribed to Culture Wars last July and the articles he puts out are top notch. Really good stuff. I’m Catholic, but Jones’ stuff goes beyond that. His explanation on the Black-Jewish alliances and rencent history in Iran was some of the best reading I’ve done in a long time. He has an interesting perspective on the so called white nationalists like Duke and McDonald as well.

          I also think Jones is used to speaking with anti-Catholic people and he always seems to know his subject through and through where I can’t imagine him having nothing to say about work such as Atwill’s. I’m sure Atwill would be respectful towards him, even though him and until recently, Jan, have had a very anti-Catholic/Christian point of view (I saw “until recently” because I think that Jan has started to admit a few things since doing his music series about how the degradation of society was especially to destroy Christianity and hence, the family).

          Jan’s and Jones’ work is some of the best out there.

          • Aleksandar Gueric
            December 27, 2015 at 2:10 am

            I only wish more people could realize that. Music series with dr. Hans Utter is one of my favorite podcast series ever and I was glad seeing Jan touching up a bit on that subject of attack on traditional Christianity. At some point he even had to say something like ”I know we sound like religious fundamentalists but..” – which only shows that our society is so corrupt and turned upside down that talking about healthy, traditional values and morals makes us sound ilke some primitive, religious freaks. This is the power of pc dialectic and a way for pseudoelite to shut down anyone speaking up against them.

            I also agree about Jones’ work. One of the best out there. I’m not a Catholic (my mother is, and my father is eastern Slavic orthodox Christian) but I agree 100% with everything dr Jones says and love his research. It would be great seeing some collaboration of Jan and Jones, maybe something like what he did with dr Utter?

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