Aired December 20-21, 2016. Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin discuss hidden taxes on our food – certifications: Organic, vegan, natural, gluten free, paleo, kosher, Non-GMO, et al. What are food certifications? How do they work? Are they a good thing? Are they taxes on good behavior, rather than bad? Donate here: Play in…
Month: December 2016
UnSpun 049 – #PizzaGate to Date w/ Titus Frost
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• •Aired December 13-14 2016. Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin continue to discuss the Pizzagate, the pedophilia scandal going all the way to the Whitehouse, with guest Titus Frost, maker of “#PizzaGate – The Documentary”, covering additional evidence and connections, as well as things that have and haven’t been “debunked”. We also discuss the efforts to…
UnSpun 048 – The Dark Side of #PizzaGate w/ Sofia Smallstorm
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• •Aired December 06-07 2016. Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin continue to discuss Pizzagate with guest Sofia Smallstorm, covering new evidence and connections, as well as the Lame Stream Media’s (a.k.a. #FakeNews) cover-up of the scandal. Audio only: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 1:03:37 — 58.3MB) | EmbedSubscribe: Android | RSSPlease follow and…