This show is titled “Orwell’s Warning – An Interview with Erik Blaire” and is being released on Monday, April 26, 2010. My interview with Erik Blaire was recorded on March 31, 2010. The requested donation for this episode is $3. 1984 – one of the most famous books written in the 20th century. What was…
Month: April 2010
Farewell, Friend: A Tribute to Jack Herer – #074
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• •The LATE 420 show. This show is titled “Farewell, Friend: A Tribute to Jack Herer” and is being released on Thursday, April 22, 2010. My interview with Jack Herer was recorded on January 21, 2009. At the beginning of this episode is Jack Herer’s last speech. He walked off the stage and had his heart…
herman de vries interview – “The Nightshades” – #073
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• •This show is titled “The Nightshades” and is being released on Monday, April 12, 2010. My interview with herman de vries was recorded on March 24, 2010. The requested donation for this episode is $3. Aphrodisiacs, hallucinations, the flight of the witches, and the only strong psychedelic drug specifically named in the Bible – Mandragora.…
Dr. Peter Duesberg interview – “Inventing AIDS” – #072
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• •This show is titled “Inventing AIDS” and is being released on Monday, April 5, 2010. My interview with Dr. Peter Duesberg was recorded on March 28, 2010. Once considered the “Einstein of Virology”, one of the leading researchers in cancer research, and now considered the bad boy of Molecular Biology, and probably the single most…