What do sexual suppression, social violence, rape, child molestation, circumcision and warfare have to do with one another? You’ll be surprised. In this two part episode with Dr. James DeMeo we’re going to dig down into the deepest suppressed resources of the human psyche to find out. The information presented in this episode is essential…
Month: November 2008
Dr. Charles Grob interview – “Psychedelics, The Scientific Evidence” – #005
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• •Charles S. Grob, M.D., is Professor of Psychiatry and Pediatrics at the UCLA School of Medicine and Director of the Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. He conducted the first government-approved study of MDMA, and was the principal investigator of an international biomedical psychiatric research project in the Brazilian Amazon of…
Prof. John Hoopes interview – “The 2012 Meme” – #004
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• •Originally released November 10, 2008. In this show we investigate a modern mystery and phenomenon that has recently swept the world. It can be found discussed at large conventions for $300 for an admission ticket – where the so-called experts gather to promote their ideas of this field of study – and also in popular…
Dr. Martin Ball interview – “Religious and Spiritual Freedom” – #003
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• •In this episode I speak with Dr. Martin Ball about the spiritual use of entheogens, especially mushrooms and Salvia Divinorum, as well as religious vs. spiritual freedom. Do you think you have religious freedom? You’d better hear this show! Martin Ball earned his Ph.D. in Religious Studies with an emphasis on Native American religions and…